
A 2D adventure platformer made in the KorGE Game Engine for KorGE GameJAM #2

(may take a minute to load since servers are slow)


WASD - move

Space - jump

J - Item Ability #1

K - Item Ability #2 (only for some items)

H - Read Sign

Additional Controls

Hold Space or Up (while falling) - parachute

Hold Space or Up (while underwater) - swim up



Item Slot - by Programmer16, modified by Isaac Shelton
2D Simple Grass Tileset - by Gustavo Saraiva, additions made by Isaac Shelton
Sky Background - by Paulina Riva, variations made by Isaac Shelton
Spider Sprite - by Division PLUS
Portals - by LetargicDev, variations made by Isaac Shelton
Classic Hero - by GrafxKid, variations made by various authors and Isaac Shelton
Musketeer and Cannoneer - by Disthron, additions by Isaac Shelton
Blue Star Sprite - by Nicole Marie T, modified by Isaac Shelton
Swordfish Sprite - by RAPIDPUNCHES
Crab Sprite - by Elthen, modified by Isaac Shelton. Original author's patreon:
Keyboard Key Sprites - by TRBRY, modified by Isaac Shelton
2D Shark Sprite - by Pillarist, modified and animated by Isaac Shelton
Sand Sprite - by TearOfTheStar, adopted and rescaled by Isaac Shelton
Other Sprites - by heroic CC0 authors

Summer Adventure by Free Music |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Sound Effects
Grass Footstep SFX - by swuing
Water Blub - by gblanke
Ceramic Tube 4-8: XSL001 - Cerásica Musímica by Gabriela Parra, modified by Isaac Shelton
Other Sound Effects - by heroic CC0 authors

All modifications, additions, and variations are licensed under the license of the original work, and credit must be given to the original authors when using my derived works, if required by the original author's license


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Great Art and Gameplay
